Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Year in Review

I know, I know, I know – haven’t updated the blog in a few – SO
2013 – I can some it up in one word = SUCKED
Very disappointed year for my running after coming off a great 2012

I’ll summarize the list of my yearly misery
Knee – 4 months very little running trying to figure out the pain in the knee which ended with surgery
(For every week not running – it takes a week to get back to where you were - you do the math = misery)
No TRI season – spent the time ramping up my base running after surgery
No Taylor Swift sightings while running on the beach although I did have fun scouting for Tom (Hi Julie)
Plantar Fasciitis – week before Surftown
Funk in the fall – felt like I had to run instead of wanting to run. I was really in the funk.
Back pain in the late fall

Favorite race:
Blessing of the Fleet 10 miler in Narragansett (July) - This was the best I felt all year and for about 8 ½ miles the company was great. I ran with Jeff, Matthew and Justin Kane for about the entire race. Great atmosphere and a must do for 2014.

Worst race:
Suftown – My overall time was good but I wanted better. Remember I ended up getting Plantar Fasciitis week before the race. Although on race day I was two days pain free until mile 11 when it started to swell up again – very disappointed. Sorry I was not able to join Muddy and crew in his moment of glory.

 The good in 2013:
Back to running with the group, meeting Beth finally, Chris, Nate and Ryan as they joined the rest of us in this sufferfest of running, bloging, stava world.
Fun Runs – that right FUN runs were you actually run with someone and have a conversation with instead of racing. I enjoyed the conversations with Steve S at the Westerly FUN runs.


First goal - stay injury free, everything else will come like PR’s
Get back to doing a TRI or two (Crabman & the shark invested waters of Block Island)
I’m not one for keeping track of every mile of every run so I don’t have an overall goal on how many miles I want to run. I believe in rest days. I do enough data gathering for my job, so I don’t want of do data gathering for my running. Some days I will run with the space watch others I will run on tread mill – so JUST RUN

Races – no one specific race that is out of the norm for me, so I’ll keep in local and do the usual/typical schedule

Then there is the one thing I’m really looking forward for in 2014 – that is mid-July. Not because it is my favorite time of year (summer) but because Jeff will be turning 50 and going into that other age group. Racing with Colburn and parking in the handicap spot.

Happy New Year everyone and I hope everyone stays injury free for 2014

Monday, October 21, 2013

Recap and rest of week

Saturday 11
Early morning long run with the 4:45 club (5K and Gazelle). We didn’t leave at 4;45 – more like 6:30. Started from the Y out to Barn Island and back. One of my favorite runs because it is half road, half trails. The hunters were out because Gazelle was leading us right into the line of fire – what was his motive? Julie? Funny thing, when we were running down Mechanic Street this old guy (older than Jeff) passed us in an old truck – looked over at us. Come to find out 5K happen to recognizes him as one of the hunters we ran into running the trails. Was he sizing us up? On the way back as our space watches chime mile 9, 5K suggest we run mile 10 all out. First half feeling good – second half, just hanging on. I couldn’t wait for it to end – I kept looking down at the Garmin which I never do. Looks like I need to get back to speed work routine. Good run with good company and conversation.

Sunday 5 and change

This was Run For the Pumpkins 5K that we (WTAC) co-host (more like host) with the town of Westerly.  Arrive early to help set up. Went out to set up the mile markers and when I came back everything  was running smoothly as WTAC members came out in force to help Jeff and family. They are the only reason this race is still going. Went for a 1 mile or so warm up with Chris, Jonny and Mike. Came back to get ready for the race – I had no plan/strategy as I do not like this course.  Steve Schonning ask me if I would run with him at 7 pace – like we did on many of the fun runs this summer. So we ran together with no other runners after mile 1 talking it up. Went out for cool down run with Chris and Mike when we notice that no runners were left on the course. Chris won, so I happen to mention that he needs to get back to accept his award or Jeff will keep it for himself. Mike and Chris turned around and I continued on because someone had to pick up the mile markers. Funny running back with two pieces of wood under your arm. I think I ran faster on the cool down than the race. If I didn’t have my racing bib on I bet the neighbors thought I was stealing some wood.


Monday 6

Lunch run at work. Went out strong for the first 2 ½ miles than I caught up to colleague at Avery Point. Wasn’t sure what to do – blow him off and run my run or slow the pace and continue with him. I ended up slowing the pace (7:30/7:40-ish) and talked it up for rest of the run. Strange how I have to do most of the talking. Can it be that most runners can’t talk and run at the same time………..Came back to the fitness center and lifted some weights (I pick things up and put them down). Started to lift a little as the trail running season has begun. Figured I would work the muscles around the knees as I learned my lesson last year.


Rest of week – lunch runs from work, various distances along with a day for speed work. Loving the global warming.

Jana Walker Sports Photography   


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Global Warming

Loving the weather lately – this global warming works for me. Nice running at lunch time at work instead of early in the morning all alone in the dark. I went out for another cool run this week – run to the Navy base in Groton (under the bridge). The road goes along the Thames River, 4 miles to the base. On the way back a submarine was going out. In addition, I decided to do some speed work which I have not done in a few. This was a challenge because I’m running later in the day now so UCONN Avery Point is populated. So went on MapMyRun and found 500m loop and a 300m loop – that will work. I think the neighbors think I’m weird (no comments) because I’m running these loops, than stopping (sucking wind) and run the same loop again. They should see my running friends if they want to see weird.
Nothing special for rest of week. Thinking of the Walkers

Friday, October 11, 2013

little late

Sorry little behind on the blog
Last weekend while everyone was off doing their vision quest Tom 5K, Shara and I did the
the inaugural Ocean Road 10k in Narragansett

I haven’t done a 10K race since 2009 and this was going to be a point-to-point along the water. Yes, wind played a hand but still a fun race and good distance. Strategy was little different than a 5K.
Tom took second, Shara took third overall women and I took second in my age group, 10th overall 41:04/6:37 pace (thanks Jeff for not participating). Age group award are supposed to be mailed – haven’t seen a thing. Oh-well, I have a feeling this race will grow in popularity next year in my which I intend to do again

Rest of week – running at lunch, various distances

Although on Tuesday I did something I always wanted to do – I ran over the Thames River Bridge to New London on interstate 95 – pedestrian lane. Cool view looking down at the water. Major head wind coming back against traffic. I will do this route again.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Jeff always asking us to guess what races these pictures are from
My turn – what do you think Matthew is thinking …………

Webster definition of therapy is therapeutic treatment especially of bodily, mental, or behavioral disorder. I indentify with all disorders according to this definition with regards to running – no comments Julie.

Group email went out on Wednesday from Gazelle about a group run on Saturday – could this be the therapy I need…  As I have been on a running low (mental) for the last couple of weeks. Plus you know who doing her best impression of coach Bobby Knight without the chair throwing on coaching me on this mental block that I have (hi Julie).

Decided to forgo defending back-to-back 5K’s wins from a year ago (St. Michaels & Westerly Loins Club) for some therapy – group run in Carter’s Preserve in Charlestown with Jonny, Jeff, Justin, Seth and newest WTAC member Nathan Vinhateiro. We ended up running around 8 miles just over an hour. Because of the conversations while running, weather you were just listening or engaged this run felt like it lasted only 20 minutes. Good weather, good company equals a good run. Looking forward to more of these group runs (therapy sessions) in the coming weeks.

Next week – most everyone is has a Vision Quest (1987 movie) or a fall marathon (Smuttynose & Nipmuck). Good luck to everyone on your quest/endeavors. Look forward to reading post race write-ups.

Tommy 5K - looks like you and I are the only ones around. Maybe bike/coffee ride into Mystic or a run on the beach……

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


  • Muddy for the win – awesome, have a beer now
  • Matthew – GREAT job, watch you the entire way. If you are reading this your are alone – so it’s ok to SMILE no one is looking
  • Jeff – nice job. You’ll place again next year / when your 50
  • Crutchley – I enjoy finding out post race times from you this year. You PR at almost everyone – GOOD job
  • Seth – you are running very well this year, you have step it up. I have a feeling you will be killing it at Li'l Rhody Runaround this year. Remember last year – you said you went out too fast. This year you belong up front.
  • Beth, don’t sell yourself short, you did a great job and you will do great at next month marathon.
  • Rest of WTAC – great job, nice having home field advantage
  • Jana – again thanks for the great pictures of everyone. I look forward to that nightly email saying you have been tag – appreciate the effort/support hanging around to take pics. Maybe we should start a pool and see who can get Matthew to smile.
  • 5K – I know you weren’t there but I do have a scouting report (hi Julie)

Woke up early as I do every day, had my stuff already out – I’m like the military, very well organized. Wish my teenage kids were. Arrived early because I know from previous year’s traffic backs up to Jeff house. So hung out in the beach parking lot talking to complete strangers – these are runners so they are ok or insane like the rest of us. Actually, I really enjoy this part of the per race activity – nice meeting and talking with other runners and finding out where they are from and other races they have done or are doing.  I happen to run into couple of high school classmates and a lot of people from work. A very high level executive (one you always want on your side) from work happen to recognize me – now, I happen to work on a project with this person when I was working in facilities/operations over four or five years ago and he still recognizes me. I haven’t seen him in years (work at a place that has over 3,000 colleagues). He was there to support his daughter and cheered me on just after mile 7. How cool, nice knowing I still have connections at work – I’m part Italian if you haven’t notice, so we use these connections when needed. Beth knows these connections can be an advantage at work.

Ok, ok, I know the race – lineup upfront and gave out good lucks to fellow WTAC members. Now six days prior to this race I got Plantar – treated it with ice, Aleve, make shift roller thingy (actually it was a round award I got a work) but it worked - I was about 90%. Started out feeling great just behind Matthew, settling in a comfortable pace. When I past the mile 8 marker turning onto Watch Hill road the Plantar started to fare-up. It was a nagging pain, like marriage (Hi Julie). Change me stride a little to compensate for the nagging pain – wrong thing to do. Because when I got to the last water stop around 11 ½ miles on Ocean view, my calf muscle tightens up big time. One good thing about this – I could hardly feel the nagging plantar pain now. When I turned onto Atlantic Avenue I was running with a limp. Ended up coming in 30th at 1:28:40 / 1:30 slower than last year. Not bad but because of the injuries this year with the knee and now Plantar – this year sucks. My morale, my drive, my spirit for running is at an all time low, I’m in a funk. Maybe I need to go on some kind of retreat and have an intervention.

Oh, Godfather, what am I gonna do "You can act like a man! [slap] What's the matter with you?"
Remember, part Italian – love this movie.

After the race I went over to the massage table to get my calf worked on – ok, massage by a guy – not my thing. End up going back the parking lot where I meet up with some towns people (Stonington) and talk about the event. Change cloths went back to the tent were I talk to Melanie Diamanti about the 5K race – Tom you would have killed it. Couldn’t find anyone as they must have been out doing cool downs.

Note for next year or have noticed or just feedback
·         Looking for a clean, no line Porter John - they have a few at the finish line, so do your warm up that way and they are all yours
·         Arrive early because of traffic
·         13.2 - everyone that had a space watch had 13.2 or more for distance. I believe this is because they wouldn’t let us run tangents. I was upset that we had to “stay to the right”. We all have run these roads before and know about the traffic – really. I know, I know – safety
·         They really need to work on the mile 3 markers and the timer – the last 3 years this has been off.  Jeff last year gave HM group this feedback. Guess they forgot  
Great participation from all the volunteers, recognized a lot of people volunteering

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Plantar Fasciitis

Days before Surftown and I get Plantar Fasciitis
I’m miserable, unhappy, unpleasant – all those adjectives and then some
Running this year sucks

That’s all I have to say on that

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Long weekend

Friday – 5.5

Saturday – 11.5
Westerly side of the river, down to Westerly Yacht Club

Sunday – 0

Monday – 17
I ran down to TS house in the rain. I was soaked to the bone from mile 3 on. Very difficult run, wet to the core. Everything went wrong from chafing, bleeding and the quest for thrust. Yes, I did use body glide, but when you are soaked to the bone, has little effect. One positive, I was able to stop at the water fountain in Watch Hill for a quick drink. On my way back running in White Rock, about 2 miles from home the road traffic was heavy and puddles everywhere with no side walk. Did my best to stay away from puddles and most of the drivers did their best to stay away from me until one driver in a blue Subaru decided instead to drive through a puddle while I was next to it. At this point in the run I was miserable, feeling major discomfort so I did what we all would have done – gave the double #1 sign to the driver along with yelling what that meant – like they didn’t know – made me feel better yelling it though. Looking back should have done this on Saturday instead.  I will have to start to pay attention to the weather now that summer is over.

Not sure if it was the run on Monday but I feel that I’m losing bit of the love from running. Instead of feeling like I wanted to run, I felt I had to run. Instead of wanting to go out and push the hill, I felt I had to push the hill. Don’t get me wrong - I believe this lacking in foresight or focus to be necessary. Attention to the detail of, and 100% commitment to each aspect of training (long runs, rest, recovery, speed work, hill work, tempo runs, sleep (what’s that), and so on is part of the daily life of a runner. This is fundamental to any hard core runner. But this structure, regimen, intensity, focus can also be demanding and yes, somewhat, draining.  Summary - running alone just sucks. I’ll shut-up now

Monday, August 26, 2013

Summer coming to a close

Friday 5
Last dash & splash for the summer – 445 club had two new members (Jonny E & Matthew W) join in for the early morning run. We ran the streets than last mile or so was on the beach, which was low tide. It was still dark out when we finished the run position.  The splash which did not last that long – yes, I happen to see and remember Jaws – I was more concern about the jelly fish as this is the time of year they come around.

Saturday 14.5
Woke up early again – had not idea were to go. I Decided I would follow the Pawcatuck River – from the Westerly side, starting from White Rock. Ended up going as far as Avondale, where I decided I would take the trail Jeff shared with us runners last fall that’s part of the open space area – nice flat short grassy trail – my kind of trail running. On the way back on Route 1A encountered a lot more traffic then I was expecting – this little stretch of R-1A has no shoulder and at one point on the blind corner by no bottom pond a pick-up truck got a little closer than I was expecting – scared the Sh*t out of me (got the morning dump out the way). I know, I know you trail runners are saying we have no traffic on trails. Decided I would run down Elm Street  - previewing the track for the Schonning 5k race on Wednesday. They are doing some construction on this street (new sidewalks) and the side that we runners run on not the best of surfaces – uneven and pitted. Ran through the park, back into White Rock, up to Timber Ridge, Pawcatuck. One thing about these long runs in the warm weather – no water stops. Need to figure something out – fuel belt?

Sunday – double, bike 18, run 11 on the beach – both to TS house
Woke up early again – decided I would go for a ride down to TS house, yup, ride instead of run to her house. This was a nice ride with very little traffic. No sign of life what so ever when I was going into Watch Hill, had the entire road to myself. Surprised that I did not see any other fellow bikers as this was a great morning to be out. Got home, eat, clean up and got ready for the beach. On the way down to Seaside we were in traffic at the four-way intersection where Langworthy Road and Shore Road meet (down from Dunn corners). When I happen to see a Gazelle sighting in a car (so, does this become a Jeff sighting than). Hung my body out the window trying to get his attention, wouldn’t you know it – he stop in the road, window down – headed to the beach in a few, I’ll text you. The family was laughing and making in front of me for looking like a fool with my head out the window and waving franticly – herd this the entire day – sarcasm in my family is WAY over the top from the norm.  Got to the beach – high tide, or was the tide heading out? Waited for a few, than I decided to start the journey  down to TS house for my annual 10 mile run on the beach. Tuff run as it was high tide, plus felling the fatigue of the long run from Saturday and the bike in the morning. I was hoping for a 5K/mermaid sighting for some water – no luck. Turn around at TS house headed back wounding why the hell I did this – as I was coming up on the state beach I happen to see another runner – orange shirt with this large thing strapped to his left arm – it was wakey, wakey (Mike C). Ran the last 3 back with Mike, this helped having company and conversation on the way back. Went for a swim, had a snack and waited for that text message. I was getting antsy so I decided I would walk down to the Westerly town beach, about 1.5 miles. Almost there when I happen to see 2 runners coming my way – Jeff and Matthew. Turn around and starting running – funny having a gazelle behind me, short leaved  as they came along side and we enjoyed a nice low tide run down to the breachway. Turn around at the breacheay with them and stop at seaside as they continued back to town beach.

SUCKS as I think this will be the last of the beach runs for the summer  

Monday – rest day

Tuesday – easy 6 or so from work

Wednesday – Schonning 5K
Favorite day of the year BACK TO SCHOOL day

I’ll end this with a few of my favorite comic strip – strips about school  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shouldn’t have – but I did (run on 49)

Friday 7, before 7 at 7 pace with 5K
(777 was the # Tom5K had to win Foot Pursuit in April) – go figure
Annual Friday run & splash – Muddy was going to join us for the run then go longer, but he drop us like a cheap date for some guy who runs trails all the time (aka Jonny). When I arrived at the parking lot of the Westerly town beach 5K was just pulling in. I happen to ask where Jeff ? Get this, he says – I should have gotten this in writing – Jeff said he’s too beat to come out for a run. WHAT, no way – we both couldn’t believe it. Could it be that the age thing is finally creeping up, as you have just over 300 days before the big 50 – but who’s counting. Understandable as he has vacation hang-over from the west coast. 5K and I ran around Misquamicut back to the town beach and meet Steve S. He and 5K were going to do TRI swim training while I was going for a splash and dash – next year for that swim training. No traffic, good company, conversation and run.

Saturday  14.5 shouldn’t have – but I did
Started from the house down to White Rock, than on to Boom Bridge. Figured I would run into Ashaway. Instead of turning right onto Anthony into Ashaway, for some reason I continued on Boom Bridge. Now, how do I get back to Pawcatuck? I did not want to do out and back. Decided to take 216 than 49 back home. Trouble with this is 49 is not the best of roads to run or bike on – so your road sense or guard goes up a notch or two. Because I went out so early, only three cars went by me on 49, all going the other way.
Sunday – Bike 13
Yup, got the bike out. The plan was to run at the beach down to TS house again. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t working on my side – so settled for the easy bike ride around Greenhaven. Had the roads to myself – no one out.

Monday – not sure yet
Might go out for 4 from work in the afternoon easy as this will be day before the battle

Tuesday – Battle of Stonington 5K

Wednesday – WTAC last fun run

Thursday – probably my boring 6 from work
Friday – not sure yet
Weekend – long run, where is the question

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just a update

Friday 5 - annual run and splash
Ran with 5K, Jeff, Matthew, new guy – Jeff’s neighbor Chet and ready for this ………..wakey, wakey,  Mike C. Please note, this was not at 4:45 – more like 7:00ish. Ran the streets of Watch Hill than splash at Napetree.

Saturday - 7
Out the door and not sure which way I wanted to go – decided to run to Westerly. Ran down to the park, ran in the park than around the park - no Beth sighting. A motivating place to run early in the morning because you have the park to yourself.

Sunday 16 (double)
Ran 6 at 6 from house out and back – nothing new, same old, same old.
We (family) went to the beach late morning. Got a text message from wakey, wakey asking if I was at the beach, sent a text message to 5K to see if he was at the town beach.  Seeing Jeff just did a TRI and Run for Kerri – I figured he was dead. Plus I figured he was getting ready for his trip out west to get his yearly supply of EPO. 5K replied back that he was down to TS beach with a mermaid. Arrived at beach and happen to hook up with WW (wakey, wakey) who gave a detailed race recap. I happened to notice – low tide – YES. Ask Lori (Mike C wife) if WW could come out and play. Text 5K – on my way. Left Seaside beach, had a nice run and conversation with WW who ran down to the Westerly town beach we me. This is where I was hoping for a Jeff sighting who would have joined in for the rest of the way. Took out the IPOD hit play and off I went down to TS house again. Low tide the entire time – love running on the beach at low tide, hard pack sand and little traffic. As I was getting closer to TS house I was hoping that 5K had extra water. Arrived at the wall of TS house, she was not home, again – according to WW who is friends with her, she in Wisconsin. 5K had water ready – Yes, thanks. Chatted it up on the Block Island TRI and meet a mermaid. 5k joined the run back for about ½ mile – he had to get back, understandable. This was the best beach run of the summer – low tide, not that humid, good company and conversation. Why does summer have to end. So ended up doing the run down to TS house for additional 10 miles.

Monday 0
Rest day

Tuesday (double) 5 in the am – 3 in the pm
Track work out with 5K in Westerly – 7x400’s, 2x200’s and a bunch of warm up/cool down laps
Dog Watch (Stonington Fun Run) later tonight – solo, as Jeff on vacation and 5K has family down company. I will give full scouting report later in the week (hi Julie).

Wednesday 3+
WTAC Fun Run – I have Muddy job or Mason as I have to put the signs out, so get ready for some lost runners around the beach.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Who has Crabs

Congratulates to the Walkers on a great showing at Crabman – all three placing in age group. Jeff, just think, next year when you move up - I bet there will be only 4 or 5 in that age group ;). Did you see the times in that age group – wow – strong group.
Tommy 5K – welcome to the TRI group, you ROCKED Crabman. Although you are in the most difficult age group for TRI’s, no doubt you will place soon. Good job – let me guess you were hurting before the start J
Cutchley – BIG congrads. You did it / welcome to the TRI group. Next year we will get you out training with the group. I read your blog, you got up with the 4:45 club – see not that bad.
Awesome job ALL – can’t wait for the stories on race day. Please note, Jeff has to go first because at his age he won’t remember soon.

Blessing of the Fleet 10 Mile Road Race

I finally got to run this pinnacle of a local road race. Whenever you mention to a local runner who has run the Blessing you get an unpleasant response – a love hate thing - all because of the hazy, hot and humidity. Unfortunately or fortunately I was not able to experience the three H’s as the temperature was around 78 and light rain with little humidity.
As with any night time race the anxiety builds all day. What to eat, when to eat, did I drink enough, what time to leave - oh the emotions. Lucky for me the logistics were very accommodating – Jeff had gotten our race bibs and shirts a week before, plus the Walkers offered to join them for the ride up. This was the way to go because when we got to the exit for Narragansett – bumper to bumper traffic. We were commenting how runners were parking at the Stop & Shop and running to the registration location than back to their cars – suckers. I was in air condition car getting pre-race course instructions from Jeff who was going to mentor Matthew who was also running this race for first time (I’ll come back to this mentoring point in moment). As we were getting closer to drop off point we decided to just stop the car, get out and let Jana (from Jana Sport Photography) drive to the finish line. All three of us had to find the bathroom (tree). After we quickly stretched we went for a short warm up. I felt little rushed plus the amount of people the nerves started to set in. On the way back Jeff had us stop just beyond the start line on the side walk. We must have been there 5 minutes and then someone (race official) said get ready. Holly cow – everyone piled into the narrow street shoulder to shoulder. Jeff said jump up and look down the street – as far as I could see runners everywhere – OMG. By the way Tommy 5k, plenty of sights to see – must do next year (Hi Julie). The race started on time as we begun the pursuit. Why do 8 minute milers get up front – why. After dodging through this field of runners for the first ½ mile you were able to start you run. The first mile I ran 6:15 – I had no goal as this was longest race sense knee operation 3 month ago. I felt good but decided to slow up just a little. By the second mile I was around 6:40 pace feeling better. Just past the mile 3 marker and who comes from behind, Justin Kane – another local runner who does fun run and races (tall guy) plus Mathew and his mentor. All 4 of us ran from mile 3 to mile 7 or 8 together. Back to race recap in a moment – I have to rant on the mentoring
Jeff was mentoring Matthew so EVERY ½ mile Jeff would call out pace and EVERY mile he would say - mile 4, 6 more to go, mile 5, 5 more to go……. Really Jeff, Matthew knew where the mile markers are and I’m sure he can do the math. Are the teachers that bad at Westerly – Muddy ??? Buy him a space watch – he can do the math. In addition Jeff would mention to Matthew, look water, do you need water, I’ll get it for you. NEVER did he ask me. And mister Vise President of WTAC would run into someone he knew and would slow down and say hello than speed up to catch us – this mentoring thing reminded me of when we run trails – aka DEER FLY - circling around and annoying us, never going away until you swat it. If you are reading this for the first time – this is humor also called sarcasm at times, smile and deal with it.

Around mile 7 or 8 we started to lose Justin who was fading (only finish 10/15 second behind Matthew). Jeff once again called out mile 8 ½ miles, only mile and ½ to go – thanks for the math lesson AGAIN. At this point of the course there is a little and only hill. I was feeling strong so I pick up the pace little doing my Jonny impression and pushed the hill. I came to the end of this street where I had to take a right turn while these little kids were in the middle of the street holding signs and yelling – 1 more mile to go – how cool. The entire course had great crowd participation, cheering, partying and playing loud music – awesome social gathering. The last mile I finish strong – over all finish was 133 with a time of 1:07:38 for a 6:46 pace. Space watch had it right 10.02. Mathew was 10 second behind me. Congrads to Matthew who ran a great race with a deer fly around him the entire time - you can smile once in a while ;) – that way you won’t get wrinkles when your dads age. Hugh crowd at the end of the course and still was able to pick out people that I knew. Overall this was a good race for me and I was able to gauge were I am in my recovery, which I can say, I think I’m recovered. I wish I stayed at the 6:15 pace just to see how I would have done.
Summary – thanks to the Walkers for the logistics and the company on the run. This is/was a fun race with a great enthusiastic crowd. I will be doing this race next year for sure, bring on the three H’s.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Friday 6
Annual run and splash with Gazelle and 5K at 5- splash in Weekapaug (Fenway). Fun run good company. Going back to the cars to head home I happen to run in to a distance cousin who was going surfing. I haven’t seen him in 20+ years and I have run into him twice in one week – the other time was earlier in the week for a wake for his father.

Later that morning the entire Boumenot family got invited to the Groton Navy Sub base for a command change ceremony – My boy is best friends with the sub school captain and commanders father – the Roberts family. This was an unbelievable day seeing so many officers dressed in there whites plus a visit from a vise admiral –this day bleed red, white and blue. Great speeches along with great tradition. After the patriotic festivities we were invited for a tour of the base were we got to go into one of the sub simulators – that right, I got to drive a sub, how cool. My kids who have both gone over to the base a number of times were not impressed – really – today generation. I’m happy to have taken this day off and to get invited to this ceremony were I absorbed every minute and every detail – nice to get called SIR, instead of the everyday dad, idiot, shithead, Michael, Mike, dummy, dum-ass, asshole, WE, my dad, your father……. I bet you all know who calls me all those bad words (hi Julie). In summary, this was great day.

Saturday 0
I hated putting down a 0 on this day. The plan was to run long but I was little tired from driving submarines yesterday so by the time I awoke it was way too HHH – even for me. I was than supposed to meet Jeff for a ride up to get our swag for the Blessing race – comes to find out the Walkers were head up that way and they pick up my swag for me – THANKS.

Sunday 13.5
Headed out just after 5am for a run down to Riverbend cemetery – I haven’t visited my grandparents grave in a long time, come to find out, nothing has changed – they are still dead (little humor) - sorry these things freak me out. As I entered the cemetery it started to rain – I figured this was a sign from my grandmother. I had to remember where they were hanging out so after a turn here and there I found them – stop for a prayer. I decided I would then run over to Jeff house, who was not home (he was going to run long, 20+ this day with Muddy). If you look at my run on Strava you will see I actually run into his driveway. I wonder what his neighbors think with all these early morning activities, comings, goings and congregating around. Unfortunately Jeff did not leave a water stop for me at the house – must of miss that text message (thought about using the hose) as I was getting little thirty. Head back home using the Elm Street route and into the park – the park is a great place to run early, Beth is lucky being so close. Then out to Canal Street into White Rock across Route 2. Good run happy with the pace.

Monday 3.8
Legs were feeling it a little, plus with the Blessing race later this week I decided to run just over 3 at 8 pace – shake out the soreness.

Tuesday 4+
Stonington fun run at Dog Watch – with warm up and cool down this will be 4+

Wednesday 4+
WTAC fun run - with warm up and cool down this will be 4+

Thursday ? day before race

Friday – 10
Blessing race – first time doing this race and thanks to the Walkers for logics.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Last couple of days / next couple of days

Friday – 0
Unfortunately I could not get to the annual summer Friday run & splash as I had other engagement – work. I had to get into work early this day.

Saturday – 13
Decided to run down to Greenhaven - my bike loop - started out early because of traffic concerns on Pequot Trail and Route 2. Happen to come across a fox, not of the lady type, but the actual. The lady types are usually on beach runs (Hi Julie). While on Greenhaven road I happen to come across a pack of bikers (8 to 10) – hard to explain, but when you are out early biking/running the comradely among people who share interests/activities in common with you is impressive, as we passed, everyone provided words of encouragement. Ok, after the group hug, back to running. Coming to the end of Mechanic Street I decided to go into the Westerly Park (looking for follow runner Beth) than out along Canal/White Rock Road across the bridge back into CT on Route 2, back home. The last half mile or so I started to hear squishy sound – this was from my Asics as I was soaked head to toe because of the humidity. Funs run when done early as some of these roads are heavy traveled.

Sunday – 10 barefoot on the beach back to TS house
The plan was bike the track I ran on Saturday and do a light run on the beach. Woke up early to a light rain – decided to forgo the bike ride. I’m not a fan of biking in the rain. Because of the overcast in the morning our beach day started later than usual. This was a concern of mine as we arrived and low tide had already passed. Now the tide was coming in which meant running in thicker/heaver sand. Started out not knowing how long I was going to go – just felt like running – as I was coming up to the Westerly town beach I was thinking someone would come from behind and join me (5k or gazelle and family) – no luck. Decided to run back to TS house AGAIN. Turned around at TS house and thought – why did you do this – as this run was work in that the sand was thick/heavy. I was not enjoying this run other than a seeing of a fox (of the other type) or two (Hi Julie). I was coming back along Westerly town beach when all of a sudden something hits me from behind – Gazelle takes me down from behind. He just texted me looking for a beach run – go figure. Handed me water (which was needed) rounded up Matthew and told Mark where he was going. Mark decided to stay at the beach – good decision on his end because the group in front of the Walkers was impressive – who the wish one? So the last two miles I had some much needed company/conversation. Matthew once again wouldn’t stop talking (sarcasm). Thanks Jeff and Matthew for the last half of this run as the sand was thick/heavy and work. Jump in the water for a quick dip and took a nap (nice).

Monday -0
Much needed rest day as I went long on the last two

Nick Bottone track mile (maybe) game day decision. Conor has something brewing on LAX game in Westerly with the Westerly LAX summer league.

Wednesday – WTAC run run

Thursday – 6 at work

Friday – back with the annual summer Friday run & splash

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Recap and preview

Friday – 6
With the 4:45 club members (5K and Gazelle). We did the annual Friday run, beach run and splash. Started at the Watch Hill Gazebo out to Ocean View on to Atlantic where we went on the beach for a 2 mile beach run. Back out to the roads of WH and on to Napatree for the splash.

Saturday – 0
Did not want to pull a 0 this day as the plan was go long on roads early than onto beach with family. Went to open garage door when garage door opener broke after 15 years.  So, off to Home Depot as WE showed up and installed the new opener while wife and daughter went to beach – how does that work? 

Sunday – 16 double – 6 at 6 than 10 on the beach
After Saturday installing the garage door opener for most of the day, I wanted to go to the beach for a long run. Went out at 6am for a quick 6 out and back from my house. Came home from the run and loaded the car and cooler for the beach – I was pumped because we were going to get there for low tide. Arrived at the beach and I happen to see wakey, wakey (Mike C) – asked Lori if he could come out and play (dog collar was off). Wakey, wakey ran the first 2 miles with me down to the state beach – the crowd must have frightened him – my thought was – plenty of sights (sorry Julie). My epic run was from the Weekapaug Breachway to Taylor Swift place - all on the beach – 5 mile down – 5 miles back for a total of 10 barefoot on the beach.  The state beach was pack with all sorts of people or at least they look like people as my sunglasses were fogging up – not from the sights either - from the heat. Run up to the very end of the beach in as it was low tide – you could almost run up to the light house. Waved to TS but she was didn’t recognized me. When I returned everyone wanted to know how long it was down to TS house – space watch had it exactly at 10. Took a quick drink then went right into the ocean for a swim. Had lunch than (my favorite part of summer time ) took a nap in the beach chair (out like a light) even missed Mike C going back home – sorry Mike. This was a fun run and would have been better with group of people. Running at low tide on the beach is one of my favorite running places.

Monday – 0
Pulled another 0 as my legs were feeling it along with my feet – the sand was hot on Sunday so might have burned the bottom of them.

Tuesday – 9 track work out plus Stonington fun run
Meet up with 5K at the Westerly Track for 6x4x2x6x4x2 work out. The 6’s were killer but the 2’s were easy and fast. I had the feeling the entire time that a gazelle was coming around the corner ready to push me out of the way – he’s in NH after Seth Strava records. The plan is run the Stonington fun run tonight at Dog Watch so looks like another double

Wednesday – Westerly Fun Run

Thursday – 6 before 6 at work

Friday - ?
Saturday - ?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Past couple of days and this week

Friday – 7.5 / the 5k idea on continuing the beach run and swim per the solstice run
 Jeff and I met with 5k for run through the Charlestown Breachway that took us through local roads that I haven’t been on since high school. The last ½ mile or so we ran barefoot on the beach as it started to rain. Jump into the ocean as it started to downpour – fun stuff. The surf was up but we did not see wakey, wakey (Mike C) out surfing – hmmm. Good company and conversation. Stop a DD on the way home and then WE (hate that guy) showed up at the Boumenot’s to power wash the house (1 more thing off the honey due list).

Saturday – 0
I did not want to take a 0 but could not fit in a run as I had to get the truck fixed

Sunday – 15
Meet Jeff, Muddy and new guy not from this planet (New Zealander, I think – talks funny). Hi name is Ryan, nice guy and definitely a runner. Started out from Meadowbrook Pond out to Carter Preserve, then out to the roads into Shannock for the hill(s) climb than back onto some trail I have no idea the name of back to Meadowbrook Pond. Very humid run – after about 11 miles in I just wanted this run to end or stop for some water - no luck. I actually stop to walk a little in the last 4 miles. The last couple of miles I could really feel the humidity.

Monday – 0
Still upset about the last 4 miles from Sunday

Tuesday – track work out
4:45 club planning track work out at Westerly track
No fun run planned as I may have to bring my boy to LAX practice instead

I will run in the morning. No fun run in Westerly in the evening as we are going to the Red Sox game

Thursday – the 4th of July
Run in the morning, than weather permitting, go to the beach with the family were I hope to do a beach run and swim than a nap.

Friday – full circle
5k idea on continuing the beach run and swim per the solstice run