Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Plantar Fasciitis

Days before Surftown and I get Plantar Fasciitis
I’m miserable, unhappy, unpleasant – all those adjectives and then some
Running this year sucks

That’s all I have to say on that


  1. Sucks dude. I hope you have a quick recovery.

  2. That's no good...I assume you already got it checked out? What's the recovery time for that, anyway?

  3. Plantar fasciitis is the worst. I HIGHLY recommend a pair of Orthaheel inserts. They worked wonders for my PF.

  4. UGH!!! Spent most of last summer dealing with that bstrd. And here is my advice. The boot worked wonders as did the Strassberg sock I slept in one or the other for 6 months possibly more. You get used to sleeping in it and deffo keep using it well after the heel stops feeling like someone is stabbing you with a dull serated knife. I did get some Super Feet insoles and I don't know if they help or not but I'm pain free most of this year now and really not inclined to stop using the insoles. Ice, stretching, and I have a nifty spiney ball I roll my foot with and occasionally nail Annino with.

  5. In 2003, I talked with Anthony Fossa at the Blessing OTF 10-miler about my PF. He recommended inserts. I got Superfeet. They worked for me too. Whatever you wind up doing, rest assured you will beat PF eventually. Be patient, work through it, you're gonna be fine!
