Monday, September 30, 2013


Jeff always asking us to guess what races these pictures are from
My turn – what do you think Matthew is thinking …………

Webster definition of therapy is therapeutic treatment especially of bodily, mental, or behavioral disorder. I indentify with all disorders according to this definition with regards to running – no comments Julie.

Group email went out on Wednesday from Gazelle about a group run on Saturday – could this be the therapy I need…  As I have been on a running low (mental) for the last couple of weeks. Plus you know who doing her best impression of coach Bobby Knight without the chair throwing on coaching me on this mental block that I have (hi Julie).

Decided to forgo defending back-to-back 5K’s wins from a year ago (St. Michaels & Westerly Loins Club) for some therapy – group run in Carter’s Preserve in Charlestown with Jonny, Jeff, Justin, Seth and newest WTAC member Nathan Vinhateiro. We ended up running around 8 miles just over an hour. Because of the conversations while running, weather you were just listening or engaged this run felt like it lasted only 20 minutes. Good weather, good company equals a good run. Looking forward to more of these group runs (therapy sessions) in the coming weeks.

Next week – most everyone is has a Vision Quest (1987 movie) or a fall marathon (Smuttynose & Nipmuck). Good luck to everyone on your quest/endeavors. Look forward to reading post race write-ups.

Tommy 5K - looks like you and I are the only ones around. Maybe bike/coffee ride into Mystic or a run on the beach……


  1. Glad to hear you had a good time! I'll have to convince you guys to start a tad later so I can join you...trails are excellent, group trail runs? Awesome...

  2. Loved the Vision Quest reference. One of the best sports movies of all time.

  3. Mike..I'm running a 10k on Sunday. If I do anything on Saturday, it'd have to be nice and light. Hopefully, your "therapy" helped!

  4. Sounds like you are on the mend! You scared the crap out of me in the fitness center, the other day! I
