Monday, April 28, 2014

RISP Foot Pursuit 5K

Arrived about an hour before the start as this race is a heavy participated as 700+. I was surprised how cold it was when I got out of the warm car to go get my race bib. Starting running into WTAC team members – I enjoy the club comradely when we arrive for non WTAC races. We wear our colors well. Steve S bike up from Westerly to run this race – nice job doing the double Steve. He introduce me to someone (sorry forgot the name) as a WTAC member and this person proceeded with the comment – WTAC is a strong team, you guys are doing good things.

Went for a short warm up with Seth in those trails across from the beach. Arrived back at the start with about 15 minutes to go to shed the sweatshirt. Took notice that they hadn’t set up the start yet – this is odd as this is a very well organized race. Finally I see them setting up the starting line – they are assembling the TRIMOM scaffolding start line thingy. In years past we just line up on both lanes of the high way. This scaffolding thingy limits the amount of people that can get up front. If you read the other blogs you will notice all the couch to 5K runners somehow got up front along with kids who think the race is only 100 yards. I felt like a cow being corralled before the slaughter house. Usually someone from the race organization committee will say a few words – like thanking sponsors and what the race is about – supporting a local policeman who was injured running few years ago.....All of a sudden the shotgun goes off – wait, no pre race announcement, we started. Should have warned Shara about shot gun start as this scared the daylights out of her.

So the cattle that corralled begin to move – I was lined up about 10 feet or 10 seconds from the start. I start to make my way weaving in and out of the couch to 5K runners and I happen to see Seth get tripped up with a kid. He was fine as he went on to a PR for a 5K – well done Seth. As the start thins out I came upon a Turtle – Dave Schaad and that noise, oh that noise. The 1 mile marker was dead on with my space watch, 6:00 minute mile for the first mile. Now I start to make my way for the right hand turn onto Boon St. Very small hill as we start on Boon St., I wouldn’t even call it a hill, more like a bump. As I’m starting to make my way on the left side of the road, who is that I happen to see on the sidewalk – The Gazelle. Very cool seeing him out and about as it put a smile on the face as I gave him a hand slap (I was smiling because he wasn’t racing and I had a chance to place in that hard master age group). Jana from Jana Walker Sports Photography had employed him to take pictures. Thanks Jeff for the support. Mile 2 was 6:12 and again right on with the space watch. I was little surprised for my mile 2 time, thought I ran a faster mile. Quick small downhill setting up for the left turn onto Ocean Rd. when all of sudden the head wind hits you in the face. I didn’t really pay attention to the wind when I was warming up – didn’t matter anyway. I was an island all alone, so I had no one to daft. Sucks when racing and being on island alone, it changes how you race. No one to catch because they are way out in front and you can’t feel the hunt behind you. I’ll have to work on this for next time. Another Gazelle sighting on Ocean Rd., couldn’t muster up a smile or words of thanks as the wind was taken my breath away. Mile 3 chimed on the space watch 6:22 mile – wasn’t happy with the last mile effort but ended up 19:08 space watch time – official was 19:17. Good for 17 place, third in that master age group. WTAC took the win for both the girls and guys – Well done EVERYONE.

Jeff from Jana Walker Sports Photography taken the picture

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend and rest of week

Saturday 6
Solo group run early Saturday down to the park and back – noting worth sharing. I was not able to join the group up in Richmond as I had family obligations to take care of early.

Sunday 24+ bike ride (Easter)
We (the family) went to Easter mass on Saturday night – kids went to in-laws for Easter breakfast. The morning was free. Time to get the bike out – I wanted to go out early but it was just little chilly. So I waited just after 8 to ride down to Watch Hill, traffic was light. While on Ocean View I happen to pass (coming the other way) on his bike local runner/biker Jeff Vuono – wished him good luck as he will be running the Boston Marathon. I also passed John Hammett who was on his Sunday group run. I decided to turn onto Shore Road and ride down to FiveK house – looking for a coffee break. No luck as he was not home. He was over his parent’s house for breakfast (Text him later that day – that’s how I knew). I knew I should have gone pass his mom and dads – next time have Mary set a plate for me. Now, let’s go see how Jeff is feeling – as I turned into his neighborhood and headed up the hill this Volvo comes over the hill headed right for me. Oh, wait, I’m in the middle of the road. It was Jeff who was itching to get outside. We talked for few minutes on his procedure and recovery – good biking into him. I could tell he was craving to be out and about on the bike or a run. He was going down to the beach for a walk. Now time to go home as I started to feel hungry and the energy level wasn’t there. I used it all up from Watch Hill to FiveK house biking into the wind. As I was coming over the hill on Beach Street I could see a runner just up ahead about in front of Moore Mill. I knew who this was going to be – it was Beth. Slowed up right next to her and ended up scaring her. She was out running again after running 24 miles the day before – unbelievable – you rock girl. We talked for a few going down Elm Street. Wish a happy Easter and off to home I went. Couldn’t believe all the people I ended up seeing on this ride (Jeff V, John H, Jeff W and Beth). In addition, I got two beeps from passing cars – not sure who they were. Was it because I was hogging the road or because of wearing biking shorts.
Rest of the week
The usual work lunch runs. Like to try and get in a 7 or 8 mile run along with a speed workout.
Saturday, casual bike as Sunday is Foot Pursuit 5K race

Monday, April 14, 2014

Recap of this weekend

Saturday – 19 miles BIKE
I was about to respond to the group email for Saturday trail run and at the last minute I got a text from Jeff about a group BIKE ride with FiveK, Shara and Jeff.  I’ve been craving to ride my new bike so this was perfect. This was a fun ride – casual at times and competitive at times.  Jeff and FiveK have it good, biking and/or running early morning down in the beach area. The new bike is awesome; just have to get use to the new shifting – different from last bike.
Clamdigger 5M (WTAC event)
This was only the second time running this event. Last year I just had surgery on my knee, plus it was only a 5K event. Ended up 7th overall with a time of 31:52 (6:22 pace) beating my time in 2012 by 1 minute – so I PR. Started fast and got into a groove early setting in (telephone pole length) behind local runner Jeff Vuono. Traffic was light so no issues other than on the way back on Atlantic Avenue. We started to encounter traffic from the walkers. Ok, they are walking and I’m running yet they look at me funny as I’m trying to run a tangent line back – get the hell out of the way - really, I’m running. Started to close in a Jeff V with about ½ mile to go but ran out of time as I finishing just behind him.
So after a long cool down run with Chris G, Mike G, and Justin I went to go look at results. 7th overall first in age group – COOL. Finally, Jeff was not running the race as he was running the event. Now time for awards – Jeff asked me to assist with handing out awards – no problem. He gets on the microphone (his favorite toy) and announces that they don’t have overall winner awards – so we will just give them the age group award. (Reminder Mike G just turned 40 and was the overall winner). WTF, REALLY JEFF – he did it to me again, he’s not running in this race and I still get the second place award – unFing-believable (relax, this is just sarcasm) I don’t care.
Special KUDOS to Jeff and Jana Walker – they did a tremendous job putting on this event as we were down three WTAC board members due to travel. Don’t forget this was a duel event with 5K and 5 mile race for the first time, so double the issues and responsibility. Great job Jeff, I have no constructive criticism to give – except for the age group award J

Thursday, April 3, 2014

We are all going to die

Check out this article I just read on line - may have to cut & paste
Bad news for running fanatics: This sport/hobby may end our life early.
A must read for Jonny

My life insurance is up to date so Julie will be happy – I mean all set
Thinking of all of you J