Sunday - Mothers Day - pulled a double
6.3 Run - Went out for a run early morning in the light rain down to Wilcox Park back up route 2 – not bad, very little traffic and no one in the park. Nice run as everything is in bloom and green.
Bike 13 - In the afternoon when the sun came out it was time to try the bike. This was first ride of the year, plus first time I had a chance to try my new bike shoes. I was old school and had cages so this was quite the experience trying to get on the bike. Sucks walking in these shoes – sounds like a horse walking on asphalt. Rode down to my favorite place, Greenhaven - roads were very busy with traffic. Usually when I ride this route no one’s on the road because I go out very early, so I had to pay attention to my surroundings on this ride. Struggled little bit on hills but still fun to get out and ride. No time for a swim, but I did get wet from washing the cars.
Monday: Just over 6 miles, usual route from work, little chilly this morning. Legs were hurting from the double yesterday.
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